

Fire ExIt sign


How often should you check fire escape routes? The importance of emergency exit doors?

Here are vital considerations of fire escape plans.

  • Fire safety plans and equipment work together for your fire risk assessment, you will need to consider and have in place fire detection and warning systems, fire-fighting equipment, and emergency routes and exits.

Each of these protective measures will work alongside to save lives – but they need to be well-communicated to be successful. A building may be fully kitted out with the right equipment and routes to safety, but if people don’t understand where they’re located or how to use them, they’re rendered useless.


Fire exit signs and fire action notices quickly alert people to the route that should be taken to safety and instruct any required actions. Fire safety signage is vital not only for people unfamiliar with the building but also for those who use it regularly.

Fire safety signals.

You need to consider and have in place fire detection and warning systems, fire-fighting equipment, and emergency routes and exits.  A building may be fully kitted out with the right equipment and routes to safety, but if people don’t understand where they are located or how to use them, they’re rendered useless.

In the event of a fire or emergency, an assembly point, clearly marked by a fire assembly point sign, will be the safe place of meeting for everyone in the building. evacuation plans must include clear passageways to all escape routes, emergency doors that open easily, and emergency lighting that function when needed so people can notice and have easy access to the emergency exit.

 Emergency Exit Door









But how often should fire escape routes be checked?

An emergency escape route could become blocked on any given day. Signage can also assist people with the location of various fire safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, and appropriate advice as to how it should be used.

The best way to ascertain people understand the procedure is to provide frequent training and hold regular evacuation drills frequently . Safety personnel are appointed to maintain fire precautions and oversee aspects including evacuation drill procedure.

Safety should always come first .

Still unsure which fire safety signs are required and in need of effective fire safety escape plan? Get in touch for expert advice and much more.

Maxserve global consulting limited provides you with the best fire prevention service in Nigeria and across the globe. You can reach out to us via call or using our contact page.

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